Monday, June 30, 2008


I am sitting on the couch with my laptop. My husband thinks that I am working. I will let him continue to think that.

Has anyone used WordPress for blogging? I am interested in switching to some other platform, simply because I'd like to limit readers to some entries. Believe it or not, there are things in my life that I'd like to blog about that I don't need the whole world knowing. For example, if I want to bitch about my husband, I don't want my entire extended family reading it and thinking that I'm a bitch or he's a jerk or whatever when, in all honestly, I'm just venting or whining.

I know that LiveJournal lets you create Friends lists, but I don't really like that platform very much at all. I've been there and done that, and I don't want to go back.

1 comment:

Single In NJ said...

My suggestion, and I fully admit that I'm suggesting this because I want to be able to continue to read your posts, is Vox. I use vox for my business blog (albeit rarely, because I'm a bad business blogger... I'm a more personal blogger) and I've found the platform easy to use, and you can restrict who is able to read the posts. Also, it's free. If it weren't for the fee for the service, I'd suggest Typepad.
My vox blog: hXXp://

About Me

Lexington, Kentucky
Grant is in kindergarten. If you've ever met him, you know he's got a big personality. I started this blog to track his kindergarten antics.